“A remarkable cinematic achievement rightfully categorised as a horror classic, albeit with a discernible, measured thread of comic verve and goofy humour. Demonstrating groundbreaking visual effects and showcasing an even stranger and amoral antagonist than Frankenstein's monster, the story addresse” read more
“Voyeurism, fetishism and pornography collide in a frenzied, unabashedly psychosexual pastiche of "Vertigo" and "Rear Window". Whilst De Palma foregrounding of 1980s culture adds a new dimension of outre trashiness to the proceedings, the film exists on its own plane as an artefact of its time, albei” read more
“Aside from the slow-paced exposition built during the first thirty minutes, an armed gang and a prison van converge at the titular police precinct, enabling the nail-biting action to unfold at a sustained yet breakneck pace. With grimy indoor and outdoor scenery, suspense-driven interplay and ever-l” read more